Science has highlighted that taking 100 grams of pistachios daily has an important role in our sexual life, according to a study conducted by the Atatürk University Hospital and Research Center of Ankara (Turkey).
The patients in the study showed significant improvements in terms of erectile function, satisfaction in sexual intercourse, orgasmic function, sexual desire, increasing the peak systolic velocity in the penis by 22%.
In this sense, Judy Hirigoyen, member of the non-profit association of American Pistachio Producers (APG), assured that eating pistachios improves the circulation of the penile tissues and the sexual performance of men.
He also stated that they are an important source of selenium, which contributes to normal spermatogenesis. Selenium is a mineral that protects the heart, as it is an antioxidant and helps neutralize free radicals. They are also a source of zinc, which contributes to fertility and reproduction, as well as to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood.
Pistachios are also one of the nuts with the highest nutritional value. They provide fiber, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E, thiamine and phytosterols. They are tasty and very healthy. They contain 20% vegetable protein, have a very low level of carbohydrates, are a source of unsaturated and monounsaturated fats and have a high antioxidant power.
They have a large number of beneficial properties for our organism. They contribute to the proper functioning of the brain, which prevents chronic or degenerative diseases. They help the digestive system, calm hunger and are good for weight loss and cholesterol control. They also improve blood oxygen circulation and blood pressure.